My Father, Don Hanson, taught me to sail. This one of my favorite boats of his pictured here. He started sailing when I was Less than 10 years old. we had always been a boating family. My two brothers and I have been on boats since we were babies. The following is an article I …

Captain’s Log?
Captain’s Log? Star Date? Blog? No it’s not about Star Trek, though the smart watch from Garmin on your wrist, You can feel the deja vu. What does it mean to be a blogger or to be blogging? Blogging is an online journal. For sailors it can be the same thing as the captains log. …
Sunrise Sunset
As humans many of us know the sunsets from the geographical location we live in. Add in a sailboat and the waterways and you realize your view point it always changing.
Into The Emerald Blue?
Follow live aboard sailors, paddle board coaches, artists and adventure travel lovers, Sheree Lincoln and James “Kingsawin” Reed as they sail Into the Emerald Blue